Our dental office in Lauderhill, Florida does more than provide you with the dental care that you need. As a member of the American Academy of Facial Esthetics, Dr. Marino provides cosmetic dentistry and cosmetic services that are designed around her patients’ needs and wants. Come in for a free cosmetic consultation and let us know what you’re hoping to get out of your care. Whether it’s a brighter smile or a whole new look, we will design a treatment plan around you.
We can use porcelain veneers to change your smile in subtle or dramatic ways. Veneers are thin porcelain shells that we bond to the front side of your teeth to change their size, shape, and color. We can even use them to close small gaps between teeth that maybe aren’t severe enough for orthodontics.
With veneers, we work with you to design the exact look you’re going for. The dental lab uses this design to create your veneers, which we then adhere to your teeth to give you a new look. The veneers process usually requires that we remove a small amount of enamel from teeth, which makes it a permanent procedure. But in some cases, a patient may qualify for “non-prep” or “minimal cutting” veneers, which is more of a reversible procedure.
Whitening your teeth is one of the fastest and easiest ways to give your smile and your confidence, a boost. As part of our cosmetic dentistry services, Marino Family Dental offers new breakthrough whitening technology….Glo Science! Why choose Glo? This state-of-the-art technology can whiten your teeth up to 5 shades in only 32 minutes and has no teeth sensitivity, avoids messy impressions/trays/strips, and gives the patient free range of motion during the appointment!
BOTOX injections at the dentist? It makes more sense than you might think. Dentists have been trained in structures of the face, so they are well-equipped to administer BOTOX and dermal fillers. These are used to eliminate wrinkles and fine lines, including smile and laugh lines, along with lip enhancement. BOTOX can also be used therapeutically to treat chewing muscles and lessen the habit of destructive tooth grinding.
This along with fabrication of a hard night guard appliance will prevent damage to and lengthen the life of your dental restorations.
Marino Family Dental is proud to offer BOTOX and dermal filler specials to our patients.